Friuli has a particularly rich and interesting fortified heritage. This includes Savorgnan Castle, in the hill town of Artegna, along the main route to Austria. The complex, partially destroyed by the earthquake of 1976, has today been sensitively and carefully restored, returning it to the community as it was before the earthquake.
A bar counter in the refreshment area was created on the ground floor. On other levels of the castle, permanent furnishing was required to house part of the archaeological finds from the vicinity as well as exhibits from other areas. A drive for digital innovation, in the form of the very latest equipment, can be seen in the large information screens integrated with the display. This meant the design required compositional research of considerable interest, on themes removed from contemporary trends, yet still in step with technological progress and the communication methods of the younger generation. The display, constructed in lacquered pinewood, integrates seamlessly with the austere architecture of the castle, and helps to shape its interior spaces.
Project Studio Architetti Avon / Udine
City Artegna / Udine
Photo Arch. Michele Tavano